Empowering You

(be yourself, because everyone else is taken)

At A+ Men's Coaching & Development we advocate for self awareness and an appreciation of our interconnectedness to the world and those around usOur development programme uses the framework of the four main archetypes
the King, the Warrior, the Lover and the Magician  (illustrated below).  This established method applied as a practical guide will help you to understand and balance yourself, empowering you to be an actualised man and leader who can begin the journey to your fullest self and best life!

Archetypes guide human behaviour, they are made up of our strengths, beliefs, values, weaknesses, personality traits, motivations, and fears. They influence the way we behave and help us understand the ‘different parts’ of ourselves, giving us insights into how we tick, why we might behave in certain
ways and guide us towards improvements.

If you would like more in-depth understanding on Archetypes, please click read more.



The King archetype, in its most mature form, is the leader in our lives. He holds our sense of mission, purpose, and vision. He leads others by example and is accepting, generous, just, clear, and wise. A good expression, one that captures the essence of this sovereign energy within, is “the heart centred leader”.

The Warrior is humble and knows his boundaries and limitations. His focus is clear and detached. Composed in times of crisis, he accepts the challenges of life and keeps a peaceful and solution-oriented attitude. Representative of strength and prowess, he can use healthy aggression to protect those he loves and what he believes in. Loyalty, purpose and adaptability are key traits. 

The Lover lives in the present moment. A man who connects with his lover is more in tune with flow of his emotions and the sensuality of his body. He is attractive, healthy, potent, playful, and creative. He seeks love, beauty, and pleasure. His animal side is integrated. He is the artist, poet, singer, dancer and athlete who expresses all of himself without inhibitions or shame.

The Magician is a master of healing. He unites intuitive and logical aspects of his mind. He knows how to direct and use the energies of body, psyche, and nature in beneficial ways. As a scientist and strategist, he dives deep into the mysteries of the outer and the inner worlds, to find answers for his people. He is a storyteller, who makes information and insights available to others.

The masks we wear

Personality is a derivative of the word persona. Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviours, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. A persona is the image or personality that a person presents in public or in a specific settingas opposed to their true self. Phew! That is a mouthful right, no wonder so few of us humans manage to get a grasp on this concept, and we can all feel so alone when surrounded by people. Let’s break it down.


"I recently had a series of six sessions. I went to them with some pretty deep and entrenched stuff around my identity as a man. We met where I was, created a safe, permissive space, in which I could express all that I needed to."

Let's talk


  • Avoiding thinking about big questions
  • Suffering anxiety regarding ‘what next’ & performance
  • Self-destructive behaviour that affects others
  • Needing to find more time for myself to live life more
  • Suffering from stress, depression & anxiety
  • Addictions & bad habits
  • A negative view of life & low confidence
  • Low self-esteem & past wounding
  • Self-limiting beliefs
  • Ingrained false truths & distorted self-image


  • Confidence & personal healing
  • Clarity & positivity
  • Accountability
  • Higher emotional intelligence
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness & self-compassion
  • Belonging
  • Gratitude & self-belief
  • Structure to understand myself
  • Purpose & meaning
  • Comfortable & understood
  • Emotionally lighter
  • Deeper understanding of emotional reactions

"Its is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt