
Brad help's people consciously become more of who they want to be, teaching them to feel comfortable within themselves and giving them the ability to step into their own power! He regularly meets people who have a burning desire to grow and contribute but for whatever reason have not been able to break free and reach their full potential. In his experience, this type of unconscious sabotage is what prevents people from reaching their full successful self. Brad helps create positive reframes then guides them towards becoming more comfortable and empowered with themselves.



  • Leadership development

  • Personal empowerment

  • Mature Masculinity

  • Creating new beliefs

  • Upgrading personal narratives

  • Mindset change and evolution



  • Drug and alcohol addiction, shame, guilt and patterns of obsessive thought. 
  • Procrastination, limiting beliefs, low motivation, low self-worth, bouts of depression and uncertainty.
  • Feeling socially awkward and feeling like I don't fit in and isolation.
  • Planned to be somewhere other than where I am in my life currently and just not there.
  • Crazy business success and big business failure.
  • Starting Again.

All of these could have been used at one stage to describe Brad or his state of being at any specific point along the timeline of his life so far. The list of presenting challenges extending ad infinitum, having experienced, confronted and dealt with, and sometimes managing daily all of the above symptoms by daring to face, challenge and heal the root causes within himself.

This has brought him to the point of being able to help add value to fellow sufferers of what might be best described as the human condition. 

"I had the privilege of attending a course facilitated by Brad and gained a deep admiration for him as a man, a coach and a leader. He doesn't mince his words, doesn't waste a second of your session-time, and has a razor-sharp ability to pierce to the heart of any issue with an impressive array of tools and processes" Ben 

"Your help has changed my life, my fears have disappeared and my dreams are my actions, words and habits!!" Rob D

"I just wanted to say a bit about what you've done for me in this work together. It's really the most important thing you can ever do for anyone. That is, you've reawakened my spiritual hunger, my willingness to change and to grow spiritually. From where I was, which was completely stuck in concrete, I'm now in a place of curiosity and possibilities and awareness. No matter what happens, I can take responsibility for my own response and handle it. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart." Gary N