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We help men level up in their personal and professional lives, we help coaches grow their businesses and reach clients, and we help organisations optimise their culture and workforce and create healthy workplaces.


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At A+ Men's Coaching & Development, we often encounter people who, in their personal and professional lives, have a burning desire to grow and contribute more but - for whatever reason - have been unable to break free and reach their full potential. This often leads to depressive symptoms, lack of motivation and energy, feelings of being lost and directionlessness.

Through our own experience, we have discovered that for anything of value to be achieved successfully, a rigorous process of honesty, open-mindedness & willingness is needed.  We help people identify and break free of the restrictions and the many hidden and subversive causes of unconscious sabotage.


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Learn more about yourself, the reasons behind your decision-making, and a balanced assessment of your strengths and weaknesses gaining a balanced assessment. This all helps to integrate all of who you are and begin to draw on your resources effectively and show up in a more confident, sure and impactful way, changing how you relate to the world around you and how the world relates to you.



Do you want to be a positive influence in the world?

Your behaviour influences others through a ripple effect. A ripple effect works because everyone impacts everyone else. Powerful people are powerful influences. (Tao of Leadership)

In the world we live in today, direct interaction and the way we treat just one person can have a ripple effect much more significant than you might conceive. With social media, it is not unlikely that one person can have 1000 followers or “friends”; those followers have 1000, and their followers have a thousand and so on. How you treat just one person in an interaction in your day could lead to them posting something on social media that reaches 1000 people, affecting their moods and psyche. They then post on to another 1000, and before you know it, one action from you, good or bad, has affected one million people. We're only ever three people away from one million. How do you want to show up in the world? Are you considering the impact of your actions?

Remember that your influence begins with you and ripples outward. So be sure your effect is both potent and wholesome. The ability to inspire is crucial in life and leadership.


Men's Stuff – Our work with men at A+ Men's Coaching & Development is based on the premise that by facing and understanding our inner demons, they then don't control us. This means we can meet the world in our full power, where personal challenges are transformed into personal and professional development fuel for a successful life. 


Leadership Stuff "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frighten us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world." Marianne Williamson



Mantastic! Podcast #20 Suicide

A very relevant topic at the moment and one that is always necessary to have a discussion around. Suicide, at some point, can affect everyone directly...

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Mantastic! Podcast #19 Bipolar/Manic Depression - Nuerodiversity and Me

Gurdavar talks about his lifelong experience with feeling different, his Bipolar diagnosis in 2019 at 52 years of age and how things have been for him...

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Mantastic! Podcast #18 Addiction aftermath, Suicide, Guilt & Cultivating an Abundance Mindset

Thomas shares personal experiences and insights around personal addictions and coping in recovery from death, guilt, rage & loss. We remind each other...

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